貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-g) NASAのMontage、その効果


mViewer -ct 1 -gray B_Uncorrected_Crop.fits -1s max gaussian-log -out B_Uncorrected_Crop.png






貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-f) NASAのMontage


for d in B G R; do cd ${d}; for f in *.tif; do solve-field ${f} --scale-low 5 --scale-high 15 -p -N `basename ${f} .tif`.fits --overwrite; done; cd ..; done
for d in B R; do cd ${d}; for f in *.fits; do mGetHdr ../G/${f} temp.hdr; mPutHdr ${f} ./temp ./temp.hdr; mv temp ${f}; rm temp.hdr; done; cd ..; done
for d in B G R; do mImgtbl ${d} ${d}Images.tbl; done
for d in B G R; do mMakeHdr ${d}Images.tbl ${d}Template.hdr; done
for d in B G R; do mkdir ${d}Proj; mProjExec -p ${d} ${d}Images.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Proj ${d}Stats.tbl; done
for d in B G R; do mImgtbl ${d}Proj ${d}Proj.tbl; done
for d in B G R; do mAdd -p ${d}Proj ${d}Proj.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Uncorrected.fits; done
for d in B G R; do mImgtbl ${d}Proj ${d}ProjImages.tbl; done
for d in B G R; do mOverlaps ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}Diffs.tbl; done
for d in B G R; do mkdir ${d}Diff; mDiffExec -p ${d}Proj ${d}Diffs.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Diff; done
for d in B G R; do mFitExec ${d}Diffs.tbl ${d}FITS.tbl ${d}Diff; done
for d in B G R; do mBgModel ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}FITS.tbl ${d}Corrections.tbl; done
for d in B G R; do mkdir ${d}Cor; mBgExec -p ${d}Proj ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}Corrections.tbl ${d}Cor; done
for d in B G R; do mAdd -p ${d}Cor ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Corrected.fits; done
for d in B G R; do mViewer -ct 1 -gray ${d}Corrected.fits -1s max gaussian-log -out ${d}Corrected.png; done

ズレは無いな、確かに。背景が少し残ってます。つうか、インターバロメータで撮った星の写真を合わせこむから貧者の赤道儀などと言ってたわけだが、これでは単にsky panoramaだな。手持ちでも三脚でも星さえ写ってりゃパノラマにできちゃうんだから。

貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-e) NASAのMontage

NASAのMontageというツールセットでパノラマを作ってみるテスト。そもそもsky panorama専用の道具なのでうまく行くはず、と期待している。


$ for d in B G R; do cd ${d}; for f in *.tif; do solve-field ${f} --scale-low 5 --scale-high 15 -p -N `basename ${f} .tif`.fits; done; cd ..; done

Reading input file 1 of 1: "DSC_3051.tif"...
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 36867 (0x9003) encountered.
tifftopnm: writing PPM file
Read file stdin: 2006 x 3009 pixels x 1 color(s); maxval 65535
Using 16-bit output
Extracting sources...
simplexy: found 524 sources.
Reading file "./DSC_3051.axy"...

$ for d in B G R; do mImgtbl ${d} ${d}Images.tbl; done

[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mMakeHdr ${d}Images.tbl ${d}Template.hdr; done

[struct stat="OK", msg="Cube columns exist but are either blank or inconsistent. Outputting 2D only.", count=11, ncube=0, naxis1=7021, naxis2=3207, clon=84.454153, clat=-4.901913, lonsize=29.788476, latsize=13.606558, posang=0.720450, lon1=99.296909, lat1=-11.114580, lon2=69.765612, lat2=-11.480492, lon3=69.889981, lat3=1.630289, lon4=98.851270, lat4=1.989290]
[struct stat="OK", msg="Cube columns exist but are either blank or inconsistent. Outputting 2D only.", count=11, ncube=0, naxis1=7021, naxis2=3207, clon=84.454143, clat=-4.902138, lonsize=29.789432, latsize=13.606994, posang=0.721378, lon1=99.297465, lat1=-11.114740, lon2=69.765237, lat2=-11.481135, lon3=69.889425, lat3=1.630038, lon4=98.851585, lat4=1.989512]
[struct stat="OK", msg="Cube columns exist but are either blank or inconsistent. Outputting 2D only.", count=11, ncube=0, naxis1=7021, naxis2=3208, clon=84.454052, clat=-4.902060, lonsize=29.788384, latsize=13.610759, posang=0.721674, lon1=99.296969, lat1=-11.116418, lon2=69.765662, lat2=-11.482952, lon3=69.889804, lat3=1.631847, lon4=98.850912, lat4=1.991456]

$ for d in B G R; do mkdir ${d}Proj; mProjExec -p ${d} ${d}Images.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Proj ${d}Stats.tbl; done

[struct stat="OK", count=11, failed=0, nooverlap=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, failed=0, nooverlap=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, failed=0, nooverlap=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mImgtbl ${d}Proj ${d}Proj.tbl; done
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mAdd -p ${d}Proj ${d}Proj.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Uncorrected.fits; done
[struct stat="OK", time=2]
[struct stat="OK", time=2]
[struct stat="OK", time=1]


$ for d in B G R; do mImgtbl ${d}Proj ${d}ProjImages.tbl; done
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, badfits=0, badwcs=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mOverlaps ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}Diffs.tbl; done
[struct stat="OK", count=34]
[struct stat="OK", count=34]
[struct stat="OK", count=34]

$ for d in B G R; do mDiffExec -p ${d}Proj ${d}Diffs.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Diff; done
[struct stat="OK", count=34, failed=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=34, failed=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=34, failed=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mFitExec ${d}Diffs.tbl ${d}FITS.tbl ${d}Diff; done
[struct stat="OK", count=34, failed=0, warning=0, missing=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=34, failed=0, warning=0, missing=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=34, failed=0, warning=0, missing=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mBgModel ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}FITS.tbl ${d}Corrections.tbl; done
[struct stat="OK"]
[struct stat="OK"]
[struct stat="OK"]

$ for d in B G R; do mBgExec -p ${d}Proj ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}Corrections.tbl ${d}Cor; done
[struct stat="OK", count=11, nocorrection=0, failed=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, nocorrection=0, failed=0]
[struct stat="OK", count=11, nocorrection=0, failed=0]

$ for d in B G R; do mAdd -p ${d}Cor ${d}ProjImages.tbl ${d}Template.hdr ${d}Corrected.fits; done
[struct stat="OK", time=2]
[struct stat="OK", time=1]
[struct stat="OK", time=2]

$ for d in B G R; do mViewer -ct 1 -gray ${d}Corrected.fits -1s max gaussian-log -out ${d}Corrected.png; done
[struct stat="OK", min=10710.8, minpercent=22.48, minsigma=-1.00, max=65621.3, maxpercent=100.00, maxsigma=37.91, datamin=6901.62, datamax=65621.3, xflip=0, yflip=1, bunit="", colortable=1]
[struct stat="OK", min=34240.8, minpercent=22.33, minsigma=-1.00, max=66045.4, maxpercent=100.00, maxsigma=16.32, datamin=28203.3, datamax=66045.4, xflip=0, yflip=1, bunit="", colortable=1]
[struct stat="OK", min=19943.6, minpercent=22.44, minsigma=-1.00, max=65717, maxpercent=100.00, maxsigma=31.24, datamin=15654.9, datamax=65717, xflip=0, yflip=1, bunit="", colortable=1]


貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-d) CIAOのreproject_image



  1. 入力の画素を全てWCSへ座標変換して記憶しておく
  2. 取得すべきWCS座標をスキャンする
  3. スキャンするWCS座標上の画素にどの入力画像が該当するのかサーチする
  4. 該当する入力画像の画素値を足し合わせる
  5. 素数で割る

という感じだろうと思いつつ、ソースを眺めると、途中までは良いんだが、最後、画素数じゃなくて、面積で割り算しとる。うーん、ばかばか、そうじゃないの。X線望遠鏡だから線量とかFluxなのでそうなっちゃうんだろう。こちとら露出つうかExposureだかんね、面積で割られるのは心外なわけだわ。どうすっかなあ、reproject_image改造するか、別の手を考えるか。あとね、リサンプリングも雑だわ。縦横プラマイ0.5単位でサーチしとるだけ。Poisson-Disk Resamplingとかそういうの欲しいわあ。

貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-c) CIAOで整列、検証






$ reproject_image_grid infile=@img.list outfile=reproject.fits xcenter=84.516787 ycenter=-4.669385 xsize=6692 ysize=2841 method=average pixelsize=15.3291\" theta=0 clobber=yes



貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-b) Huginで調整


-8, -1, +1, +1, 0, 0, -2, -1, -3, -4, -6 (e-3 deg)



貧者の赤道儀 (The Poor Man's Equatorial) - (2-a) 視点の算出からテスト書き出し



を別のアプローチでやってみようかなと。前回は、1. 撮影した赤緯などをおおよそ求め、2. Huginで複数枚を重ねあわせ、3. 画角などを追い込んでいく、という方法だった。



$ sudo apt-get install astronomy.net astro-catalogs


$ solve-field --overwrite DSC_3550.tif
Reading input file 1 of 1: "DSC_3550.tif"...
TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 36867 (0x9003) encountered.
tifftopnm: writing PPM file
Read file stdin: 2006 x 3009 pixels x 1 color(s); maxval 65535
Using 16-bit output
Extracting sources...
simplexy: found 479 sources.
Reading file "./DSC_3550.axy"...
Field 1 did not solve (index index-tycho2-19.littleendian.fits, field objects 1-10).
Field 1 did not solve (index index-tycho2-18.littleendian.fits, field objects 1-10).
Field 1 did not solve (index index-tycho2-17.littleendian.fits, field objects 1-10).
  log-odds ratio 103.252 (6.94794e+44), 14 match, 0 conflict, 61 distractors, 18 index.
  RA,Dec = (84.8174,-4.7298), pixel scale 15.3409 arcsec/pix.
  Hit/miss:   Hit/miss: ---+-+++-+---+----+-+-----+++----+--------------------+-------------------+(best)-------------------------
Field 1: solved with index index-tycho2-16.littleendian.fits.
Field 1 solved: writing to file ./DSC_3550.solved to indicate this.
Field: DSC_3550.tif
Field center: (RA,Dec) = (84.816332, -4.733977) deg.
Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (05:39:15.920, -04:44:02.318).
Field size: 8.52563 x 12.7615 degrees
Field rotation angle: up is -178.244 degrees E of N
Creating new FITS file "./DSC_3550.new"...
Creating index object overlay plot...
Creating annotation plot...
Your field contains:
  Part of the constellation Orion (Ori)
  The star 29Ori
  The star 27Ori
  The star ηOri
  The star 31Ori
  The star Mintaka (δOri)
  The star υOri
  The star 42Ori
  The star θ1Ori
  The star θ2Ori
  The star ιOri
  The star 45Ori
  The star Alnilam (εOri)
  The star σOri
  The star 49Ori
  The star Alnitak (ζOri)
  The star Alnitak (ζOri)
  The star 51Ori
  The star Saiph (κOri)
  The star 55Ori

これによると、写真中央は赤経 05:39:15.920,赤緯 -4.733977°、画角は 8.52563° x 12.7615°、方位角は北から時計回り(東へ) -178.244°ということになる。ご丁寧にアノテーション付けて画像を作ってくれる。




# image lines
#-hugin  cropFactor=1.5
i w2006 h3009 f0 v8.51938 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev-1 Er1 Eb1 r0 p-4.743981 y-74.425505 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 n"DSC_3051.tif"
#-hugin  cropFactor=1.5
i w2006 h3009 f0 v8.52187 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev-1 Er1 Eb1 r0 p-4.742714 y-76.417419 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 n"DSC_3147.tif"
#-hugin  cropFactor=1.5
i w2006 h3009 f0 v8.52348 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev-1 Er1 Eb1 r0 p-4.743526 y-78.415267 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 n"DSC_3243.tif"
#-hugin  cropFactor=1.5
i w2006 h3009 f0 v8.52714 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev-1 Er1 Eb1 r0 p-4.742122 y-80.417011 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 n"DSC_3339.tif"




  1. solve-fieldの結果を読み違えてるのか。視野中心の赤経赤緯が二度出力される。恐らく、恐らくだが、二度目の出力はWCSへマッピングするときの像の歪みのキャリブレーションが乗ってるのではないだろうか。だから歪んだのか、それとも、手前で像をキャリブレーションしないから歪んだのか、よく分からないが。
  2. 画像毎に得られた画角やピッチをそのまま使ったのが良くないのか。

